&nsbp readers are plentiful, thinkers are rare - HARRIET MARTINEAU

Romance/Fantasy - that was this month's theme.
The book that I read was: The Chronicles of NARNIA by C.S. LEWIS

Before I get into the book, I'll share with you why I like fantasy novels. (Honestly, I prefer fantasy to romance!! for me, romance is uhh... BORING)

The good thing about fantasy stories is that if you are those imaginative type of person, you will get to step into another world, so to speak. A world unlike the one we are living in. Monsters, mythical creatures, fairies, knights, kings and queens, castles, and many other fantasy features.

now for the reasons WHY i don't really like romance (not that i really hate it, like i have a grudge on it or something)
Sometimes, romance books have similar plots. Sometimes, you KNOW what's going to happen. Unlike fantasy books, ANYTHING can happen. Basically, that's about it.

I bought the book during the December holidays. I decided to buy it when I saw commercials about the movie. I thought the story was exciting and that's why I got the book.

With 7 books, including the second book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, they make up The Chronicles of NARNIA. Other titles include The Magician's Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Last Battle.

Although I haven't finished the book (still on the first book), I'll share a bit about The Magician's Nephew.

The story tells about this boy and girl, Digory and Polly, who could teleport to another world just by putting on a ring of a certain colour. In between both worlds, a forest divides them. The forest was named The Wood between the Worlds. There were a number of puddles in the forest, each bringing you into a different world. Polly and Digory reached into a medieval world where there were castles, kings and queens. Many things happened (not telling them) and surprisingly, the queen of the castle was teleported to Earth, causing many disturbances to the people around.

you see, it's so exciting!! I bet you are DYING to find out what happened that caused the queen to land on Earth, and what happens after that. The first time I read it, it made me want to read more. The story's just captivating. The author had captured the scenes really well with descriptions that you can follow and imagine.

I'm leaving the rest undisclosed for you to find out. If you have the chance, please buy the book. It's really good. You won't regret it. Though, it will hurt your wallet quite a bit. I bought it for a whopping $35+!! (rounded off)

I'm trying to find time to read the book but time won't permit, it seems that the only free time I have is in school. Well, busy life, busy life.

6:50 PM

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February 2006



  • A Series of Unfortunate Events
    by Lemony Snicket (pseudonym)

  • The Chronicles of
